We left Colom and made our way down the
Balearics. Again the log reads repeatedly "anchored in x, over
sand, etc" often accompanied unfortunately with the hated word
"rolly". One particular high spot though was Cala Blanca
on the north west coast of Ibiza - this was a lovely small bay with a couple of very
up-market houses
overlooking the bay with beautifully manicured gardens, a very small beach
and nothing else in sight - and no rolling! Anchored close by was a very luxurious
sixty something foot motor cruiser with staff and lots of very shiny
stainless steel with a Spanish flag. A few hours later the dinghy
from the smart cruiser came across, asked if we were British, did we play
bridge and would we like to come across at 7pm for cocktails and
bridge. We said Yes please even though traditionally we never play
together (too much angst). We had a wonderful evening with Al &
Greg, an American couple, who spend the summer in Ibiza. We were
waited upon, played bridge successfully and then were invited to stay for
dinner - yes please. |
On down Ibiza, dodging the
occasional thunder and lightening storms but managing to anchor somewhere,
to Espalmador/Formentera where we picked up one of the new buoys.
Espalmador was one of our favourite places, but it's now like a car park for boats, all crammed in with just
enough room - quite unpleasant - we stayed for 2 days and then set off
overnight, with a full moon, for mainland Spain. We sped past Benidorm and
its mass of highrise concrete and anchored inside the harbour of
Torrevieja for shelter (dodgy holding so we continued the following
Passing Cartagena which was full, we stopped off the
hamlet of La Subida which was very quiet, a good beach with a few other cruisers
including a German boat named Coeur de Mer which attracted our
attention in many ways. When they anchored in the bay, about 10 metres
of chain was dropped followed by a tall blonde athletic man who jumped
over the bow.....a short while later he reappeared by the boat, more chain
was dropped and he got back on board (we understand now that we was
setting the anchor personally). The other 2 crew members were
female, one blonde and one brunette (both petite) and they proceeded to
toast their arrival together. The following day the girls went
ashore to the market with another German couple in a nearby boat.
When they returned to Coeur de Mer however all was not well - the blonde
athlete was strutting about naked, screaming at the girls - mainly the
blonde one. We thought perhaps there was a problem with the boat but
couldn't understand the German. The man continued to rage all
afternoon which was very unsettling and he started to push the blonde
about. The next day the violent outbursts continued together
with the blonde female being hit while in the cockpit - at one point being
strangled and then thrown to the floor with more blows. At this
point Lindy blasted our horn which sent the man downstairs very
quickly. We kept looking over but the girls didn't acknowledge our
concern - they seemed to take it in turns to sit on the foredeck, having a
cigarette and staring at the water but not speaking or comforting each
other in any way. The fury of this man was not abating and we felt
quite helpless - we didn't want to make things worse by offering help
and the neighbouring German boat turned the other way (presumably they
understood some of the problem). The following morning
they had left the anchorage - and we will never know the answers to our questions.
We continued towards Cabo de Gata &
Almerimar (170 miles with little in the way of shelter, a slightly dodgy weather
forecast and Cabo de Gata's ominous reputation). The weather was worse than expected, on the nose, gusting to gale force (doesn't
anyone in the Spanish met office ever get sacked??). Sheltered (if that's
the word) in windy, bouncy sea in Cabo de Carboneras, the anchor spring
broke during the night mainly because of the pounding - that's a first - we'd sat out 50+
knots without that happening. So, up at first light, nowhere else
looks any better, so on to Cabo Gata. Wind moderates (hurrah!),
round the cape and now it's behind us (double hurrah!!) different
world. Of course the wind continues to moderate and soon we're motor
sailing across the gulf of Almeria. We planned to anchor off Almerimar
for a couple of days, before going into the harbour to stock up, but
there's a new gale warning on the Navtex, so we go in straight away,
before there's a queue. Just as well there are no 14 metre berths
left and we have to pay for 16 - any later and they may have been full and
there isn't another safe marina for miles. Almerimar is large,
purpose built, featureless, boring, but very safe and comparatively cheap
- it also has a Mercadona supermarket which will deliver to the
boat! We stay for two weeks as gales and contrary winds blow through
and washed the salt off the boat.




While we were there we took the bus to
Almeria a much more interesting town. It's the annual Feria with
street parties every day and night and Corridas (bull fights) every
evening. We return the following day to see our first corrida,
neither of us quite sure how we would feel. Well firstly, feria
is the best time to see your first corrida. 50% of women are dressed
in their feria outfits - the very tight, colourful long dresses that
almost epitomise Spain. The corrida starts absolutely on time - one of the
few things in Spain to do so. As the clock clicks to the hour the
band strikes up, the gates open and the procession enters the ring - the
mounted officials in black with plumed hats, the matadors with their
quadriles (teams)
of picadors and banderilleros all in their sequined suits and finally the
mule team that will haul the dead bull from the ring. The toreros
bow to the president of the corrida and acknowledge the crowd. This
is the natural successor to the Roman colosseum.
A signal from the president, another blast
of brass, the gates to the bull pen open and the first bull charges into
the ring. Half a ton of very unhappy and aggressive animal. He
stands blinking for a few seconds until he spots a torero on the other
side of the ring, without hesitation he charges and the torero ducks
behind the thick wooden barrera which surrounds the ring. After the
first few charges the matador enters the ring for the first passes with
the capote (the large cape). This is the opportunity for matador, judges
and the crowd to assess the bull and whether it is strong, fit,
brave and aggressive enough? For example, not turning away from the
waving cloak and trotting off in the other direction. If he fails
the test the crowd will be on their feet shouting and he will be sent back
and a replacement sent on! The crowd have also been assessing the
matador and his team. This is Feria a week-long party, they're all
out to have a good time, but equally this is the only week of the year
when these big name matadors all perform at their small town. They also
have to perform well, be daring, courageous and execute their moves
perfectly. Any hesitation or attempt to work a few inches more away
from the bull will be greeted with derision. But generally it seems
it is a good corrida, (we don't know enough to judge but it's all pretty
exciting for us), several ears and 1 tail are awarded. As the plaza
empties the crowd seem in high spirits as they presumably make their way
to bars and restaurants for the next stage of the evening. It's only
10.30pm, it's Feria and by Spanish standards the night is very
young. We watch all of this from the edge and as the crowd disperses
wander off to find our taxi back to Samarang.
