
Now Malta had never been on our
list of places to visit, and has an ambient daytime temperature of 40ºC
in August, but there's no denying that Valletta is an impressive
sight as you approach it from the sea at dawn. It also has a couple of large boat yards and
when we arrived at Manoel Island it certainly looked the sort of place
that should be able to complete almost any boat related job. You can probably
guess though that this would not prove to be the case. But first the
As we left Sicilia, Richard had undertaken to
e-mail us the bill of lading for the paint (we would need this to get it
released by the shipping agent). We rely on 2.5 or 3G mobile for our
internet access and so once we were out of range of Italian transmitters
we no longer had e-mail. It took a couple of days to sort out
internet access in Malta and once we did - surprise, surprise no bill of lading. |
So -
Phone Richard. (actually "Phone Richard" always means
"Phone Richard several times". I've never actually met
Richard in the flesh, but I assume he has some curious physical disability
which makes him incapable of operating the dialing buttons on a phone.)
Richard says that the shipper has not yet sent him the bill of lading, but
does give us some delivery details and the name of
Maltese agent. Given this information we arrange to have the boat lifted
so as to be ready to paint immediately it arrives. Send bill to
Richard asking for payment - no reply. (In fact we are never to have
any contact with Richard ever again, but we don't know that yet.)
We wait until the berthing date, Richard is proving more
elusive than normal so we contact the Maltese agent direct - Kevin who
will ultimately prove to be a real star. Yes, CGM Berlioz had indeed
docked yesterday; yes, it had discharged its cargo and yes they had a
container aboard. But no, there was no package for us and yes, of course he
was sure.
Phone Richard! He's not there so speak to Sammy,
Richard's secretary and as far as we know the only employee of Permanent
Coatings. I think by now I have spoken to Sammy about 100 times and
she still doesn't know who I am! She also remains irritatingly
cheerful no matter how annoyed I get. On this occasion though, she
also turns out to be a bit of a gem and as Richard isn't there (though I have a
sneaking suspicion I can hear his voice in the background) she gives me
the contact details of the UK shipping agent so that I can make contact
directly. The mobile phone charges in Malta are also irritatingly
Owen at Embassy Freight will also prove to be a
gem. No, the package didn't ship, he'd told Richard that it had been
sent to them much too late to catch the ship. It would be on the
next ship - name, date, reference number, copy of bill of lading - all
supplied. It would arrive in time for a public holiday and we'd have
another week and a half delay, but at least we were making progress....
Richard has just forgotten to tell us this.
The ship duly arrives, is unloaded and our package is
located. All the Maltese agent now needs is a copy of the UK customs
declaration which is not with the package, and we can have the paint. Customs declaration??
Aren't we in the EU? Yes, but apparently there has to be a form that
confirms the goods have had VAT paid in an EU country. Phone
Richard, not there. Sammy knows nothing about it. Phone
Owen. "That's right, we generally complete this documentation,
but on this occasion Richard wanted to do it himself because we charge
£12 (sic). If Richard or Sammy haven't got it doesn't
Phone Kevin. How can I get
this released without the paperwork? Simple, you can't. What
if I pay the VAT? You can't pay the VAT, its come from an EU
country. So release it then. Can't, hasn't got the
declaration. Circular argument.
In the end Owen agreed (free of charge - and I did offer
to pay the £12) to talk Sammy through filling out a replacement form,
sending it to UK Customs and getting a duplicate stamped. At the
same time Kevin (our local hero - seen left) finds some miraculous way of
getting the paint out of customs before the paperwork arrives and personally
delivers the paint to us
in the yard. The kindness and helpfulness of strangers sometimes
leaves me speechless.
Still no word (or money) from Richard! We have
been on the hard in 40° now for 2 weeks.
Whilst we're pursuing the paint we're
also learning more about Manoel Island Yacht Yard and in some ways we
would come to consider the delayed paint fortunate (see below), but also
we get to meet "The Boys" without whom Malta would have been a
much more depressing place. Jeff and
Ray are the joint owners of White Star, a 60 ft motor yacht that once
belonged to the chairman of Cunard, which I think makes it the last
living relative of Titanic. Jeff also owns the only remaining coal-fired chip shop in the UK -
it's true! The
boat has been in Malta for 15 years, but now they've decided it's time to
move on, so they'd flown out to take her to her new home. They just needed
to get one of White Star's heads skimmed before they left and had
brought her into Manoel Island for a couple of days to get this
done. That was a month ago! But were they depressed? Well
actually yes, just a bit - though we think that Jeff's Karaoke
machine also has to take some of the blame. Persistent nocturnal
spearing and eating of harbour fish must also have taken its toll (see pic).


Anyway, as we were delayed we got to
know more about the yard and watch the way work was carried out, and alarm
bells really started to ring - We already knew that at 300 euros per day (a
very short day) was amongst the most expensive in Europe, so for this
we expected excellence in every way. But, we met unhappy customers
(actually we met no happy ones), watched the working practices (think
British Leyland in the seventies) and became familiar with the management
(think "The Office").
Well if you want to read a full
critique of MIYY you can go HERE. |
Suffice it to say, in the end, with no cash forthcoming from Permanent
Coatings and deep unease about the quality of work at MIYY , we did the work ourselves
with the help
of The Boys (fortunately we had previously
obtained written permission to work on the boat ourselves whilst in the
yard). The Boys helped us in spite of the fact
that Jeff and Ray had been threatened by the yard General Manager, Mr Victor White
how he introduced himself!), that if they helped us life would become
difficult for them. Another Dutch cruiser was also advised not to
help us. Well:
1. Jeff & Ray are Geordies -
so even if they hadn't
been going to help us before they certainly would now, and
2. How much
more difficult could it be - waiting 5 weeks for a 2 day job to be
And really we couldn't have done the
job without them. 1 full coat of epoxy sealant, wait 4 hours then 2
full coats of copper epoxy one after the other - we'd still have been
working at midnight and wouldn't have been able to take Jeff & Ray to

But what about Malta? Well,
it's a bit dirty, it's
expensive and it's where British tourists (who aren't really comfortable
with "abroad") go for a foreign holiday. On the plus side,
there are some places like the old capital of Mdina are well worth a visit
and if you make a little effort to get away from the burger bars and Irish
bars there are some good places to eat:
We were taken to Rabat by Joe one of the security guards
to eat garlic rabbit off formica tables, surrounded by hundreds of photos of the same trotting pony - presumably once owned by the same
family as the restaurant. In Valletta we were served "what I think you
might like" by the Maitre D at the excellent Rubino's where we were also given a bottle of desert wine - "because
there's no culture here of drinking it".
And we should mention Snoopy's,
just a British pub transported to Malta really, and not normally our sort
of place, but upstairs in the tiny dinning room, for pub grub prices, you
are fed by the owner's daughter who trained with Mossiman in London! But
she was only back for the summer and won't be there next year - Sorry!
Also, once outside the yard we met good people, who did
good work for reasonable prices - though this often involved us ferrying
them, or parts, across the bay in the rib under cover of darkness. 'Freddy the
fridge' charged our newly acquired freezer with illegal R12 - thus matching
our other system. And yet another Kevin did all our stainless
work. To give you a feel - he polished our davits for 50 Maltese
pounds as
opposed to the 380 quoted by the yard - it was done in two days and was
excellent quality.
So back to the paint. Well,
we never did hear from Permanent coatings ever again, and of course we
never did receive a penny. The delays caused meant that we missed
what we considered our sensible window of opportunity to leave the Med, so
Brazil would have to wait and we decided to head for Barcelona for the
winter instead - and there are a lot of worse places than Barcelona!
We did endeavour to pursue Permanent Coating via the
offices of Trading Standards, but they weren't interested.
Apparently pursuing traders who manufacture and promote products that
don't work does not fall within their remit. You can read the full
story as we presented it to them HERE. If what's written is untrue,
then of course it's libelous and so Permanent Coating would be at liberty
to sue us. We wait with bated breath! |